
ASWA Forum Rules

The Australian Severe Weather Association has put together a forum for use by its members to discuss anything weather related or anything at all. The following are some rules and guidelines that will help keep the forum constructive and friendly.
  1. Abusive language, Personal Attacks and Hostile Natured Posts will not be tolerated.
  2. Try to constuct your post in a way that is informative or educational. One lined posts such as 'It is raining outside' or 'Look at the radar!' are not appreciated and anyone found posting these types of posts will be warned.
  3. Avoid posting images and videos that are not of your own creation without seeking permission from the owner first.
  4. Information taken from resources such as the Bureau of Meteorology will always remain the property of the respective owner. If you copy and paste information from these sources please state where you copied it from. If you are unsure, post a link to the information instead.
  5. Avoid using excessive capital letters in your post. Excessive capital letters are considered to be yelling in the on-line world.
  6. Post your topic in the correct forum as best as you can. If you are not sure, pick the closest one. If your topic is considered to be in the wrong forum, a moderator will move it for you.
  7. Try to use descriptive subject lines, without making them too long. Describe your topic in as few words as possible, making it as informative as possible
  8. People will post their own opinions, and in many cases these opinions may be taken the wrong way or you may not agree with them. By all means state your opinion also, but do not have a go at someone because you do not agree with them.


The Moderators of this forum reserve the right to take any action they deem neccesary to adhere to these rules and guidelines. If you have any issues with any of these rules or would like to know more information about why action was taken against you, please contact one of the moderators.


In addition to the above, it is important to note that ASWA will never use your images or video without your consent. If consent is given, credit to you will be given unless told otherwise by yourself.


Apart from all of the above, we hope you enjoy your time in our Forums.