30th July 2017

Minutes of the ASWA AGM General Business 29th July 2017, Brisbane QLD

1. Treasurers Report
Michael Scollay put forward the treasurers report.
Approved by Jane ONeill and Seconded by Max King

2. Secretarys Report
Approved by Jane ONeill and Seconded by Clyve Herbert

Minutes of ASWA Committee Meeting 30th July 2017, Brisbane QLD - 10:10am

Chairman: Shane Ekerbicer
Secretary: Shane Ekerbicer
Present: Bryan Juni, Michael Scollay, Shane Ekerbicer, David Sercombe, Clyve Herbert, Jane ONeill, Marty Pouwelse, Aaron Stanley
Absent: Margaret Shannon, Rowland Beardsell, Lee Scott

1. Conference 2018

Adelaide was the city chosen prior to this meeting as it had good support from all members present at the Conference. It was announced during the Saturday Presentations that Adelaide was to host the AGM in 2018 and it was received with claps from all people present in the room.

It was also agreed that a Sub-Committee be made for anyone who wishes to help organise next years event including those from South Australia.

Options for venue to include Adelaide CBD, with venues that also provide accommodation high on the wish list.

Dates chosen to be 27th to 29th July 2018.

Early Bird tickets to be put up on the website with a discount to encourage people to committ to attend early on. Ideally these would be put up on the website prior to Christmas.

Email reminders for the Conference Location to be sent out monthly, to keep the event fresh in everyone's mind.


2. Website

No work had been done on the website over the last 12 months because there was going to be a website to replace it which was bought up at the Committee Meeting in 2016

3. Facebook Page

It was pointed out that there is not enough activity on the Facebook Page. Only 1 or 2 people are actively posting on it which results in no exposure for ASWA.

It is requested that all committee members be active on the Facebook Page, sharing anything that is relevant to Weather and in particular Severe Weather.


4. ASWA Kids

Proposal put forward by Dan Seed via Bryan about an ASWA kids website offering Cheap membership, educational material with a Quarterly Newsletter sent out as an educational style pamphlet.


5. Membership Perks

Offering ASWA Merchandise as perks for membership. Also doing up our own Storm Spotters Guide to send out to new Members.

Investigate Potential for ASWA Members to get an EWN membership for distribution of warnings via email and SMS (Shane to Investigate)

Meeting closed at 11:20pm.