Thankyou for signing up to ASWA!
Now that you are registered, would you be interested in supporting ASWA financially?
ASWA is a not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers. Our 'power' is therefor limited by the number of members that support us financially.
If you support ASWA financially, your money will go in to providing our members with new products and services that will benefit them in the world of severe weather.
We have a number of projects in the works at the moment, and we are continually looking for new projects we can undertake. Unfortunately most of these products require some sort of financial committment to acquire data from sources such as the Bureau of Meteorology. Your support will help us acquire these products which we can then process and provide to our members with a useable interface.
If you would like to support us, please click the link below. Our support subscription is only $33/yr.
Click here to support ASWA!

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